Green Academy Awards (GAA) is organized by a non-profit film community, dedicated to save and preserve life and environment in its most natural state on this planet. It fosters the growth and symbiosis between man and nature for a better and sustainable future. Our motto is to raise awareness about environmental harm that has been progressing since the beginning of the industrial revolution. We believe in delivering ideas of sustainability and prevention against climate change with the help of powerful films that speak for it.
At GAA we believe that film is a very significant medium to reach the mass and bring changes in people’s mindset to become responsible citizens. We focus on preserving wildlife and contribute to maintaining an ecological balance by saving our precious natural resources.
Films that have the green language that holds the potential to educate others about the current degrading concerns of the environment are welcomed here. Moreover, the films that showcase the natural and raw beauty of the environment are also praised. We look forward to ensuring that humans progress to care and culture as the basis of environmental education, prevention and control.
GAA has taken a challenge upon itself to initiate the cause behind environmental purification and ecological growth. Our values lie in contributing to the environmental economy as a part of saving the ecosystem and ecology with sustainable growth. We’ll showcase films that will highlight the plight of endangered species and the works of eminent environmentalists to protect Mother Earth as we know it. Our duties as the children of Mother Nature shall bring the curiosity of future generations with an enhanced healthy, clean, green and safe future for them.
The vision of Green Academy Awards (GAA) is to contribute and play a crucial role in saving the planet, raising awareness among the society and to build a sustainable environment for our future generation.
We are dedicated to revive Mother Earth to its purest form.
The mission of Green Academy Awards (GAA) is to create mass awareness about the threats humans caused to Nature. We thrive to encounter a sustainable future with compassionate livelihood and wellbeing of the society in an environment friendly manner. The amount raised from our film festival will be contributed to various NGOs and Governmental organizations to save the oceans, soil and the air. Let’s act before it’s too late.